Friday, October 11, 2013

Boiled Okra Believers

            Years ago, I had a Seminary professor who talked to us about “boiled okra” words.  She was from Texas, and in that classic southwestern accent spoke about this unique dish.  Apparently, when you boil okra, it becomes a slimy mass in your mouth that goes down so fast you can’t taste it.

            That may be a good thing for boiled okra but can be bad for followers of Jesus.  Even so, I am guilty.  Wondrous things happen all around me.  I quickly swallow it down, and move on to the next event.

            But this morning in prayer, I found myself reflecting on the incredible things that have happened in just forty eight routine hours around here.  It is amazing what happens when we, as the Psalm says, “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).

            Wednesday night, over forty fourth and fifth graders were running through the building on “wacky hair night”.  They were all excited to show me their green hair, their huge 1960’s “beehives”, and other outrageous displays.  For an hour and a half, with wacky hair, our elementary age children were singing and learning about Jesus. 

            This morning, in Bible study around the book of Job, we all wrestled with how to deal with our anger.  Wednesday night, in our men’s study, we talked about how to handle those times when temptation comes our way.  Tonight, I have the privilege of joining forty men who have set this weekend aside to be at a retreat to listen for the voice of God in their very real world.  The list of course can and does go on and on.

            I have to confess that so often, it is all boiled okra.  I take it for granted.  But when we stop and think about it, better yet, when we stop and pray about it, we find that at every instance, God is doing an incredible thing if we are willing to taste it.

            This weekend, throughout our time of worship, we are going to be reminded about those good things, and that all of us have the opportunity to celebrate and support God’s work here and elsewhere.  It is true, as the Psalm says, we can “Taste and see that the Lord is good…”  When we stop and look at his work right in front of us, we are reminded that our God is good and can provide for all of our needs.  Come join us for worship as we talk about this some more!

In Christ,

Pastor Pete

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