Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Greetings From Montana and Wyoming!!

     This week, Lynn and I had the opportunity to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversay in beautiful Montana!  This was special for us as Lynn went to school in Missoula and we were able to share some wonderful memories.
     We had five great days together.  One night, we sat down to dinner, and suddenly realized that this is the most time we have spent together just us since our honeymoon 25 years ago!  We spent the days hiking and enjoying God's wondrous creation.  We found some beautiful hikes in the back country of Glacier National Park and despite the steep mountain climbs and the threat of bears, had an incredible time together.  Here is a picture of us at a high altitude lake in Glacier called "Trout Lake".  It was worth the effort to get there!

     After dropping Lynn off at the airport, I started my journey east again.  I went through Billings and stopped to see our pastor friend Linwood Cook.  Linwood is retired but still serves part time in the Virginia Annual Conference.  Three weeks ago, he, his wife Brenda, and two friends were travelling through Montana when they were hit head on on the interstate by a drunk driver going the wrong way.  The accident was horrendous and miraculously, all four of them survived.  As Linwood told me the story on Sunday I simply sat amazed that he was sitting there, healing well, and alive.  Brenda was injured even more seriously but she too is recovering well.  I felt fortunate that God had given me the opportunity to stop in and see him and look forward to seeing him back home in Virginia.

     Today, I had the opportunity to visit with my new friend Bob Utter in Sheridan Wyoming....

     Bob and I spent some time together and he told me the story of his struggle with alcholism.  In his words, his preacher at the time "saved his life."  He went through a divorce, almost lost his relationship with his chilrdren, but through his faith, he has been sober for six years.  I was amazed as he told me about how he now serves as a Stephen Minister in his church, helping others who struggle with alcohol, and has also participated in multiple mission trips to Guatemala.  It never fails to amaze me to see the way that God uses us broken people so powerfully. Bob was excited that I was going to share this story with you, as his hope is that his struggles will help others.  I asked him at the end of our time together what was the most important thing he had learned in these years of the battles with alcohol.  He didn't hesitate.  He said, "belief in God and trusting God are two very different things...." 

     Tomorrow, I am headed through South Dakota to Iowa to visit with a church in a small town called "Cherokee".  More to follow!! 

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